The digital economy has transformed how businesses operate and compete. It is no longer enough to compete just in your own niche; you must now be able to connect with your customers, suppliers, partners, and the broader ecosystem. This is where the role of technology comes into play. To succeed, you need to be able to capitalise on emerging trends, reduce operational costs, safeguard sensitive information, and leverage advanced platforms so that you can keep pace with rapidly changing user demands. Moreover, your business needs to be capable of operating in multiple geographies and industries. This article explores what are some of the most important trends affecting technology within the enterprise over the next five years.
New Use Cases for Blockchain Technology
Blockchain technology has been around for a while, and it was originally designed to decentralise the process of data transactions. Now, businesses are realizing the power of blockchain technology as they are able to use it in new ways. It is projected that blockchain could save organisations $9 billion in healthcare costs. Another important use case for blockchain is with digital advertising: Advertising networks have been plagued by fake clicks and bots which devalues the industry. Blockchain has the potential to eliminate these flaws by providing transparency and eliminating risk. It also allows advertisers to be more selective about who sees their ads, which makes it easier for them to track conversions and increase ROI (Return on Investment).

Automation Will Be a Priority for Tech Leaders
The goal of automation is to allow technology to take over time-consuming and repetitive tasks, giving people more time and resources to focus on more valuable parts of their job. This is a trend that will continue in 2018, as companies implement more and more automation. One example of this trend is the implementation of chatbots. Companies like Amazon have implemented automated customer service bots into their offering (e-commerce) in order to reduce costs by eliminating the need for human resources, while they can still offer quick responses to customers with questions or concerns. As AI continues to evolve, we may see a shift away from machine learning towards artificial general intelligence (AGI), which is where machines are able to learn new skills through the experience without being explicitly programmed for them.

The Internet of Things Will Grow Stronger
As the technology industry looks to the future, we can expect to see a greater emphasis on digital solutions going forward. The Internet of Things (IoT) is one such trend where we will see many new developments and advancements over the next few years. The IoT will enable businesses to develop innovative solutions that help them become more flexible, efficient, and collaborative with their customers and suppliers. If your business doesn’t have an IoT strategy in place, it is imperative that you do so soon as these solutions are becoming increasingly popular. As a result of this increased demand, there will be a major shift in how companies use technology within their operations. They will need to embrace this change and implement IoT solutions properly so that they can reap the benefits of this trend.

Artificial Intelligence Will Be Fever Pitch For Tech Leaders
Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot topic in the enterprise today. It is likely to be a key driver of business growth in the next five years due to its ability to automate processes, improve customer service, and enhance business performance. The top companies investing in AI are Microsoft and Google, which have been spearheading research for 20 years now. In total, 469 AI patents were filed last year by these two firms alone. Other tech giants including IBM, Amazon, and Apple are also investing heavily in this segment. This article explores how AI will transform your business from a global perspective.

Virtual and Augmented Reality Will Emerge
Augmented reality and virtual reality are expected to become more prominent in the next five years. This will allow us to experience new worlds, interact with people and things, and interact with real-world objects that are not physically present. Virtual reality is already used as a therapeutic tool for patients with anxiety disorders, PTSD, and chronic pain. Augmented reality can help companies use data gathered from sensors to improve the way they do business. Risks associated with augmented reality include privacy concerns about wearable technology like smart glasses and its impact on the workforce. Digital health is also predicted to become an increasingly important aspect of healthcare in the coming years, which could involve virtual reality or augmented reality methods in either diagnosis or treatment.

Technology is changing the way we work and live, and it is no longer just about IT. It’s now a necessity that any company should be able to leverage. Some of the most important technology trends to watch over the next five years include: – Connected devices – Ubiquitous computing – Data analytics – Machine learning – Mobile devices